Deep Den Villa Resort Kenya
- 90 Villas with each 4 Bedrooms
- Sales price each Villa: USD 250’000
- Offer for Investor whole Resort: USD 9’000’000
- Profit: HIGH Return, Details on Request
- Amortisation of the investment after 5 years or longer term.
All information on this Online-Invest Site are also based on informations provided by the owner/seller and on confidential information provided by involved third parties. MATTER.HEIMBERG Investments reserves the right to make changes at any time. Derivation of claims for damages is excluded.
The Opportunity
With the emerging economic development being driven by the rise of the middle-class, it is our goal to develop satellite cities which will be home to thousands of Kenya’s population. The construction of this home will largely contribute to the realization of the Vision 2030 goal. The proposed site is a prime location as it borders Migaa golf estate which is a major developing satellite city.
The Government of Kenya has established that there is a shortfall of housing in Kenya to the tune of over two million units. The Government of Kenya intends to facilitate the construction of over 500,000 housing units over the next two years mainly by encouraging and facilitating the private sector to construct these houses.
Why Us?
The development Consortium has vast experience in the field of construction, particularly residential houses. We have the capacity and ability to design, construct, manage and market the homes. We have the requisite technical and managerial expertise to deliver large housing projects. Where additional specialized technical capacity is required we hire qualified and experienced consultants.
Construction demands have necessitated the use of modern technologies and innovations to ensure developers are keeping in step with continuous developments in the green building and sustainable development sector. Green buildings can reduce 1.8 billion tons of CO2 per year, close to 3 times the amount scheduled for reduction under the Kyoto Protocol. Done efficiently, facilities can promote energy security and sustainability without being detrimental to economic growth.
Keeping this in mind, we researched and endeavoured to integrate as many of these innovations as could reasonably be meshed into our development to ensure we are certifiably green. Our green interventions will be deployed in a three-zoned metric which involves:
Structural (Innovations in Design, Indoor Environmental Quality, Energy Efficiency, Materials and Resources)
Renewable solar energy to power the homes and commercial spaces over a 24hr period assuring our tenants they will never have to deal with power outages again. The same will cover hot water systems and streetlights within the development.
Our proposed lighting designs for the building will ensure the utilization of daylight into the depths of the structures and include insulation layers in walls and ceilings to help in reducing heat consumption. Other additions within this context will include the fusion of sensor-controlled lighting fixtures and master switches in each home.
We have purposed to design for grey water harvesting that will be utilized for irrigation and in toilets and we shall have inbuilt water conscience meters installed in each home which will be fed using water purification systems using reverse osmosis
Roads and Common areas (Sustainable site development, Water savings, Energy Efficiency)
We aim to inbuild an interconnected rainwater percolation wells system that will be connected to an underground water tank to harvest rainwater and have most of the runoff collected into the naturally occurring lake within the development. Our proposed pedestrian walkways, cycling tracks and jogging tracks will be inbuilt with modern technologies ensuring the development achieves enviable savings in the entire carbon footprint.
The trees chosen for the landscaping have carefully been picked for a more oversized crown, faster growth, and reduction of air pollution. The benefits will be to reduce heat gain, control light trespass and manage pollution within the open spaces in the development. The development also proposes to integrate fruit trees within the landscaping of the homes and employ the benefits of xeriscaping.
Water supply
Water in residential units is very key for personal hygiene, drinking, food preparation and landscaping. With the kind of massive development being put up a borehole water should also be considered.
Wastewater reticulation
It is estimated that 80% of all water supplied ends up as wastewater. Hence a water treatment would be advisable since the clean water can be used for washing cars and landscaping.
Solid waste management
Currently, solid waste management strategies to be employed include:
- Use of garbage collection points for sanitary purposes.
- Garbage collection is normally done by commercial garbage collectors who collect garbage weekly and transport it to designated landfill areas.
Electricity & Power Supply & reticulation
Power will be required for lighting and operating various appliances by tenants. KPLC will need to be engaged in coming up with Capacity requirements and costs.
Access roads and traffic circulation.
Preliminary assessment shows that most of the roads leading to the site are well done so the roads within the site will be better for ease of access to individual vilas.